Community Bible Study of Orlando






The CBS Approach

Lesson Schedule

Events & Activities

Time and Location of Studies

Weekly Bible Verse

Useful Links

CBS Orlando

221 Torcaso Ct. Winter Springs, FL 32708


The CBS Approach

Teaching, Studying, Growing

The CBS approach to Bible study allows participants to be exposed to the Word of God in several ways:

  • Studying a Bible passage at home and answering questions

  • Sharing in a small Core Group discussion

  • Listening to a lecture by a trained Teaching Director

  • Reading a prepared Commentary on the lesson

  • Seeing the truths of the Bible lived out in the lives of leaders and class members.

Before coming to class, each person is asked to read the Scripture passage for that week and to answer questions related to it. On class day, after a brief opening in prayer, members are led to share their answers to the Home Study Questions.  The diversity of the group leads to rich and meaningful discussion. After the group discussion, members gather to hear a 20 to 30-minute lecture on the Bible passage by the Teaching Director. Members gain additional insight into the passage as well as personal applications and challenges.  Class members then go home with a Commentary on that week's lesson and Home Study Questions for the next week's Bible passage.

  • Individual Study reading commentary and answering questions on selected Bible passages.
  • Small Group Discussion with weekly sharing of answers and insights in small groups, led by a trained leader.
  • Effective Teaching on the Bible passage  by the Teaching Director.
  • Fellowship in class and at scheduled group functions..
  • Day and Evening Classes with interdenominational Bible study for women, men, teens, and children, based on community needs.  All class leaders in Community Bible Study are volunteers.